Beanie’s size standard is based on the head circumference. To measure the head circumference, you can use a tape measure to measure the head (over the forehead and the most prominent part of the back of the head) for one week. The tape measure can be rotated slightly, and the circumference of the head at this time is the head circumference. Size, so as to determine the suitable beanie size standard. We can customize a wide variety of beanies in different colors and sizes for you, it includes:
The size of beanie
How to choose your sutaible size
The size of beanie introduce.
In fact, the basic head circumference of normal adult women is about 56-58cm, and the slightly larger head circumference is about 58-60cm. And if it’s around 60cm, it’s already an extra-large beanie. China’s beanie specifications start from size 46, which means 46cm is the smallest.
How to choose your sutaible size introduce.
First, choose the right beanie according to your face shape. There are three main types of human faces: square (national character face), round (round face) and pointed (pointy face). Wearing a round hat with a round face will make the face look bigger and the hat smaller. It is more appropriate to wear a wide peaked cap. A person with a pointed face wears a peaked cap, which makes the face appear bigger and smaller, and it looks thinner. Therefore, it is more appropriate to wear a dome hat. All hats are suitable for people with Chinese characters face.